Where to start in Tekken 7 ?

Tekken 3

Do I have to know other Tekken games?

No, Tekken 7 is reasonably accessible to beginners, and you can jump into it with no prior experience.

If you’ve played the previous Tekken, this gives you a significant advantage. All Tekken games have a very similar controlling pattern.

Experience in other fighting games, such as Street Fighter V or Dead or Alive 6, can be even unhelpful because you need to forget old habits and develop new ones to become successful in this particular gaming universe.

Tekken 7 Arcade Stick

Button mashing...Why you don't have to ?

Tekken 7 is quite forgiving to newcomers to fighting, who tend to press all the buttons chaotically. This is called Button Mashing, and it’s quite a bad habit for fighting gamers.

Still, at the initial stage, Tekken 7 is quite forgiving to such a “technique.”You can start the Story Mode and complete a few fights before you reach the limitation of the mashing style. Only by developing a simple and basic understanding of the game principles will you be able to move forward.

The Tekken 7 Story Mode is an excellent place to start the game! It is called The Mishima Saga, and here you’ll discover… ok, it is tough to repeat the story or even get it while playing. It seems like its primary purpose is not to tell some plot but to introduce players to the world and characters. In the Mishima Saga, you get to know a few key fighters and start feeling the overall atmosphere of this fighting franchise.

Then, there are Character Episodes of the Story Mode. It is a very good addition to the Mishima Saga. They do not bring lots of info, but you will know even more fighters thanks to them - these episodes are fun, and the fights are quite challenging.

Don’t expect to complete all the stories in one go. When the opponents smash your character, and you can do nothing, it is time to visit Practice mode and learn this particular character better. The opponents here are not attacking unless you make them, so you can learn moves and attacks in the relaxed mode.

Then, take these characters to Offline Arcade and Treasure Battles. Both are quite similar - they give you a series of opponents to defeat. The Treasure Battle rewards victories with various cosmetic items.

These battles are a perfect chance to abandon button mashing. Learn how to fight in Tekken 7 properly, effectively. Then return to the Story Mode and complete it.

Practice more in Offline Battles - but this time, with the character of your choice. Know him or her better, explore every feature of this fighter. And then try out your skills in the Online Mode. Start here with the Player Match - it is a good way to “taste” multiplayer battles without ruining your online rank. People come to Ranked Match with a serious intention to win, so don’t rush into this mode. The Tournament section will be a kind of ultimate challenge for your fighting abilities.

The scheme of discovering game modes of Tekken 7 is quite similar to one in other fighting titles - even in such different games like Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Tekken 7 character select

The difficult choice of choosing your main character

The answer here is simple and complicated at the same time. Pick someone you really like - not only their fighting style and effectiveness of hits but the personality, appearance, and the general aura around the guy or the girl. You are going to spend a long time with this character.

The difficult part is : it is better to give everyone a chance. Someone may be dropped out from the very beginning. But what about that powerful man? Or that… creature?

Take your time to get to know different characters. The Story Mode is very helpful here, but don’t limit yourself with it. Of course, taking different fighters to the Arcade or Treasure Battles is a nice practice - good players should know not only their fighters but also their opponents.

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